- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Open Access Policy
- Publication Ethics
- Indexing
- Author Fee
- Contact
- Peer Review Process
Focus and Scope
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Social (AIoES) Journa focus and Scope receiving general Education Articles, Mathematics Education, English language Education, and Social Science.
Section Policies
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Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Social (AIoES) Journal follows the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in all matters relating to publicity ethics, particularly in research and publication error protocols. Al'adzkiya International of Education and Social (AIoES) adapts COPE to meet high ethical standards aimed at editors, writers, and peer review. The publisher has no right to interfere with the integrity of the contents of the paper and is only responsible for publishing periodically and on time.
For Editors
- The Editor is responsible for each manuscript published in the Al'adzkiya International of Education and Social (AIoES) Journal.
- The editor must ensure that the author follows the writing procedures in the Al'adzkiya International of Education and Social (AIoES) Journal.
- The Editor can communicate with the Journal Manager, other Editors, and Peer Reviews in making a final decision.
- The Editor must provide an objective evaluation of the manuscript regardless of aspects of citizenship, ethnicity, political affiliation, ethnic group, nationality, religion, gender, seniority, or affiliation of the author's institution.
- The editor must decline the assignment when there is a potential conflict of interest
- The editor must ensure that the manuscripts sent to peer reviews do not contain information about the author, and vice versa.
- Editor's decisions must be submitted to the author accompanied by peer review responses, except those that are personal or defamatory.
- The editor must respect the request of the author who refuses the individuals to evaluate the manuscript as long as the reason is acceptable.
- If the Editor finds or suspects a violation. writing and authorship conflict, editors can follow the guidelines in the COPE flow chart in dealing with authorship conflicts.
- The editor and all staff must guarantee the confidentiality of all submitted manuscripts.
For Reviewers
- Peer reviews are asked to provide possible comments in research manuscripts if they suspect finding errors in writing procedures, publication ethics and publishing
- Peer reviews are expected to complete the work on the specified time and provide information to the Editor if they are unable to meet the specified deadline.
- Peer reviews must be able to keep the confidentiality of the author's manuscript.
- Peer reviews may not accept manuscripts for evaluation if there is a potential for a conflict of interest or competitive, collaborative, or other relationship with any author, company or institution.
- Peer reviews must ask Editor for consideration/attention to the similarity of the substances or overlap between the manuscripts under consideration and other published papers with the same author.
- Information or special ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
For Authors
- The author must be able to ensure that the manuscript has never been published before or has never transferred the rights of the article to another party.
- The author ensures the authenticity of manuscripts from the results of the work and follows the rules of quoting in accordance with the reference format that is adjusted.
- The author must not be involved in plagiarism or auto-plagiarism.
- The author must follow the procedures/rules of writing the predetermined AIoES Journal
- The author does not send manuscripts/texts together with the same topic and title to other journals.
- The author must be able to provide information and make detailed research data related, if the editor finds allegations of misrepresentation or forgery or plagiarism in the manuscript.
- If an author discovers errors or inaccuracies that affect the submitted manuscripts/texts, the author must immediately notify the Editor or Journal manager to immediately withdraw the writing and correct the manuscript.
- Authors are not permitted to withdraw articles that are being reviewed by reviewers before being returned by reviewers to the Editor.
Author Fee
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Social [AIoES] applies a free access policy and can be downloaded for free only for academic and scientific purposes. Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR) Authors are asked to pay for Article Submission Fees as part of the shipping process to contribute to review costs. With the payment of these fees, reviews, editorial decisions, and author notices on this text are guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks. Article Publication: 750.000 (IDR)
Contact | |
Yayasan Al'Adzkiya | Rantauprapat |
: aioesjournal@gmail.com | |
Mobile phone | : +62 81361147192 |
: +62 81361147192 |
Peer Review Process
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Social [AIoES] accepts articles by going though a review process in three stages, namelty:
The first stage:
The editor performs a preliminary plagiarism check by Turnitin. Manuscripts with a similarity of 25% and above will automatically be rejected. Meanwhile, manuscripts free of plagiarism or similarity below or equal to 25% will proceed to the research design examination stage. Manuscripts that present a good research design will be immediately preceded to the peer-review stage. On the other hand, manuscripts that do not present a good research design will be immediately rejected.
Second stage:
Editors distribute manuscripts to reviewers. Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science (IJEMS) uses Double-Blind Peer Review. Therefore, before submitting to reviewers, the editor removes the author's identity, such as name, email, and affiliation. Reviewers check the contents of the manuscript using the review form provided on the journal website through a special login for reviewers. They provide recommendations on the results of the manuscript to the editor in the type of decision, namely the manuscript is accepted, revised, or rejected which must be accompanied by reasons.
Third phase:
The editor sends the results of the reviewer's review to the author. If the manuscript must be revised, but the author does not revise and provide feedback, the manuscript will be rejected. On the other hand, if the manuscript is accepted, the authors must be willing to have their article proceed to the final proofreading stage. If the revised manuscript still contains major revisions, it will be returned to the reviewer; if it contains minor revisions, the editor will review and make a final decision. For every decision made, the author is entitled to a clear rationalization.