Jurnal Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Olahraga is a journal published by Al'adzkia Foundation. This journal has a focus and scope in the fields of education, health, sport, learning and physical education development, both in theoretical aspects and training practices. The journal serves as a medium to present advances in science and technology in the field of sport to the academic community, as well as to promote scientific understanding for lecturers and students. The Journal of Education, Health and Sport accepts articles from practitioners in education, research and community service, as well as from health professionals and those with a role in health, sport and education. The Journal of Education, Health and Sport is published twice a year in April and October. |
Vol 2, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Analysis of Physical Education in Primary Schools
DOI : 10.55311/jpkor.v2i1.279
| Abstract views : 54 times
Wahyu Adinda Wardani Lestari
Exploring the Role of Physical Education in Supporting the Motor Development of Primary School Pupils
DOI : 10.55311/jpkor.v2i1.280
| Abstract views : 67 times
Putri Nabila
The Importance of Forest Conservation: How Forests Affect Climate and Our Lives in Science Education in Primary Schools
DOI : 10.55311/jpkor.v2i1.281
| Abstract views : 99 times
Nurul Hidayani
Improving The Professionalism Of Teachers By Understanding The Philosophy Of Education And Implementing The Professional Code Of Ethics
DOI : 10.55311/jpkor.v2i1.282
| Abstract views : 106 times
Intan Maharani
Exploring The Impact Of Learning Discipline On Indonesian Language Learning In High-Level Primary Schools
DOI : 10.55311/jpkor.v2i1.283
| Abstract views : 81 times
Abel Dea Syahfira