Journal of Innovation in Research, Education and Culture (JIREC)
Journal of Innovation in Research, Education and Culture (JIREC) is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open access journal. The IJEMS journal is one of the international journals managed by Al'Adzkiya Foundation to improve the abilities of lecturers and researchers in writing and research in the fields of education, mathematics and science. All articles will be reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication. This journal is open to authors worldwide regardless of nationality.
Journal of Innovation in Research, Education and Culture (JIREC) warmly welcomes manuscripts sent by educators, senior researchers, and final year students. This journal has the following Scope such as, General Education, Mathematics Education, Religious Education, Applied Mathematics, Society, Computer Engineering, Science and Technology. Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science was first published in January 2023. It is published three times a year in February, Agustus.
Journal title | Journal of Innovation in Research, Education and Culture (JIREC) |
Accreditation | - |
Frequency | 2 issues per year: February, Agustus |
DOI Prefix | 10.5531/jirec |
Online ISSN | 2986-8793 |
Editor in Chief | Asrar Aspia Manurung, M.Pd |
Publisher | Al'Adzkiya Foundation |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimension | SINTA |
Vol 2, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Analysis of Mandailing Language Interference in Indonesian
DOI : 10.55311/jirec.v2i1.276
| Abstract views : 97 times
Mayrani Daulay
The Effect Of Probing Prompting Learning Approach And Learning Motivation On Students' Science Learning Outcomes In Grade VII SMPN 31 Seluma
DOI : 10.55311/jirec.v2i2.272
| Abstract views : 26 times
Bangkit Jayadi, Sukarno S, Khosi’in K
A Multicultural Counseling Approach In A Plural Society
DOI : 10.55311/jirec.v2i2.297
| Abstract views : 40 times
Fitry Annisyah
Plant Diversity In Ancol Coastal Area, Semidang Alas Maras District, Seluma Regency As A Teaching Material To Improve Learning Outcomes On The Classification Of Living Things For Grade IX Students At SMPN 14 Seluma
DOI : 10.55311/jirec.v2i2.278
| Abstract views : 28 times
Yesi Susanti, Basinun B, Andrian Topano
The Role Of Counseling Guidance Teachers In Increasing Student Learning Motivation In The Digital Era
DOI : 10.55311/jirec.v2i2.290
| Abstract views : 38 times
Wahyu Persadanta Surbakti, Uli Makmun Hasibuan